Deps Hard Baits, Propellers
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Weight : 25.0g
Field | Fresh water |
Tecnich | Bassfishing, Pike Fishing |
Predator | Black Bass, Pike |
The Spiral Minnow is a noisy prop of the minnow form which is capable of speedy search from water surface to directly beneath; a wake bait that attracts even basses outside of the equation “noisy = threat bait.”
The rolling action shoing its sides and splashing deps prop with metallic sound achieve complicated and strong backwash and appeal as if blinking herd of bait fish.
By adopting a three-hook system, misbites are significantly reduced. The Spiral Minnow glories the high hooking performance that hunts the attacking bass without fail.
Tha Spiral Minnow shows you the way to big bass even at abrubt changing of conditions or at new fields.