Moulinets, Moulinets Casting

A partir de:
702,90 €
TVA 22% incluse
Prix de vente avec réduction
Prix ​​de vente702,90 €
Prix de vente hors-taxe576,15 €
Montant des Taxes126,75 €

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702,90 €
TVA 22% incluse
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702,90 €
TVA 22% incluse
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702,90 €
TVA 22% incluse
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702,90 €
TVA 22% incluse
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Description du produit

The STEEZ 700 CT SV TW is a casting reel of the highest level, totally Made in Japan. The new “Compact & Tough” construction philosophy makes the STEEZ 700 CT SV TW even lighter and more powerful thanks to the Air Metal body with a futuristic design and built of ultra-light magnesium alloy, as many as 12 crbb ball bearings (anti-corrosion) and the SV coil in Duralumen. The latter has been designed following the Stress free Versatile concept, which allows you to easily adapt to the use of a wide range of baits, from ultra-light to heavier ones.

The T-Wing system guarantees incredibly long and extremely precise launches, ensuring an even distribution of the wire on the coil during recovery. This system, together with the Magforce Z intelligent magnetic brake, greatly reduces the risk of tangles and wigs.

STEEZ 700 CT SV TW features engSTEEZ 700 CT SV TW tecn engSTEEZ 700 CT SV TW spec eng

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