D-claw Esche Rigide, Stickbaits

A partire da:
116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita116,18 €
Prezzo di vendita IVA esclusa: 95,23 €
Ammontare IVA20,95 €

Paga in 3 rate senza interessi (per ordini da €35 a €1000)
Maggiori informazioni

Point Program
Acquistando questo prodotto guadagni 116 punti.
Se sei Plus Fishing Member guadagni 174 punti.
Maggiori informazioni sul Programma Punti Fedeltà
Length : 250mm
Weight : 135.0g
Type: FLOATING model
D-CLAW RUDDER HOOK #10/0 or #12/0
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Varianti BUBBLES 250


116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa


116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa


116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Non disponibile


116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Non disponibile


116,18 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Non disponibile


250㎜/135g The floating spec.
Not sink hybrid structure.
Made of the special hard high foaming resin.
I answer to a bigfish with the penetration wire specification 1.8 mm, too.
At the time of shipment, hook lessly.

Recommendation Hook

D-CLAW RUDDER HOOK #10/0 or #12/0 
About 25 grams of front and rear hook gross weight (A ring is included.)
※ When I adjust slightly by a split ring according to the sea conditions by the tid of tide and the flow, it connects with catch UP.

Color Lineup

※ The condition of the collar is sometimes different depending on goods for a short while. Please accept it beforehand.
※ The foaming resin is made the material, so the product is different in the weight respectively.
※ For quality improvement, a product sometimes changes specifications without notice.
※ Please don't leave in hot high humidity and in the car exposed to the direct sunlight, etc..

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