Osp Esche Siliconiche, Creature
Paga in 3 rate senza interessi (per ordini da €35 a €1000)
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Q.ty: 5/pac
Ambito | Acqua Dolce |
Tecnica | Bassfishing |
Predatore | Black Bass |
Varianti ERIMAKI SHAD 2.3
Erimaki Shad is a small minnow-shaped soft bait with a distinctive scarf.
This lure has high buoyancy, so if you use it without a sinker, it will float on the water surface. In other words, you can appeal to bass that are conscious of the surface. Scarf acts as water resistance, so you can reduce the distance traveled and make an appeal. Also, when you twitch, Scarf releases droplets, so you can use it like Popper.
Furthermore, this lure is suitable for mid-strolling with a jig head set. This soft bait with a distinctive scarf will be useful in tough conditions.