Megabass Esche Rigide, Crankbaits
A partire da:
24,88 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita24,88 €
Prezzo di vendita IVA esclusa: 20,39 €
Ammontare IVA4,49 €
Paga in 3 rate senza interessi (per ordini da €35 a €1000)
Maggiori informazioni
Point Program
Acquistando questo prodotto guadagni 25 punti.Se sei Plus Fishing Member guadagni 37 punti.
Maggiori informazioni sul Programma Punti Fedeltà
Length : 43mm
Weight : 1/4oz.
Type: FLOATING model
Depth: Max 1.3m
Hook: # 8 x 2pcs
Weight : 1/4oz.
Type: FLOATING model
Depth: Max 1.3m
Hook: # 8 x 2pcs
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Varianti New SR-X GRIFFON
The original GRIFFON series gets a design refresh, drawing on the evolution of Megabass design technology to crank out more power and performance. The next generation of hydrodynamic design not only improves shape contours, but also generates more fearsome action by channeling water more effectively, and improving deflection properties. Not only does the new GRIFFON exhibit improved bottom-contact pinball action—the GRIFFON is also tuned to return to center more quickly and sharply after deflections, resulting in a hair-trigger reaction bite. Designed to deliver high impact in a compact profile, the new generation GRIFFON has been fine-tuned to ratchet up performance, taking shallow-cranking to a new level.
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