Megabass Esche Rigide, Jerkbaits
A partire da:
29,79 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita29,79 €
Prezzo di vendita IVA esclusa: 24,42 €
Ammontare IVA5,37 €
Paga in 3 rate senza interessi (per ordini da €35 a €1000)
Maggiori informazioni
Point Program
Acquistando questo prodotto guadagni 30 punti.Se sei Plus Fishing Member guadagni 45 punti.
Maggiori informazioni sul Programma Punti Fedeltà
Weight: 1/2oz.
Type: Slow Floating
Other: Depth : Max 1.7m
Weight: 1/2oz.
Type: Slow Floating
Other: Depth : Max 1.7m
Ambito | Acqua Dolce, Mare |
Tecnica | Bassfishing, Pike Fishing, Sea Bass |
Predatore | Black Bass, Luccio, Sea Bass, Persico, Luccio Perca |
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Varianti ONETEN R
The Universal Jerkbait that Shinji Sato Customized and Fell in Love with! The ONETEN R was specially designed by Yuki Ito and renowned jerkbait angler Shinji Sato. The objective of the ONETEN R was to build upon the unique jerking action of the ONETEN, and fine-tune for domination on Lake Biwa in both straight retrieve and traditional jerkbait applications. During jerking and retrieves, it exhibits unique performance, honed over countless years of experience and prototypes. This full contact jerkbait “system” targets specific depths, and will reliably draw out reaction bites no matter the season. 1. ONETEN R retains the sharp, darting action of the original ONETEN, but during retrieves it’s designed to perform a refined, natural action that will get the attention of even the most cautious bass. 2. Moving balancer system now features one tungsten weight instead of two. By combining the weights into one main weight, it increases the casting power and flight distance due to its beautiful flight posture. 3. By switching between the ONETEN R, R+1, and R+2, you can adjust precisely to the appropriate swimming depth.
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