Accessori, Rod Belt

A partire da:
42,94 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita42,94 €
Prezzo di vendita IVA esclusa: 35,20 €
Ammontare IVA7,74 €

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FABRIC: Body (100% polyester) Belt (synthetic rubber)
SIZE: 140cm
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42,94 €
IVA 22% inclusa
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42,94 €
IVA 22% inclusa
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42,94 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Non disponibile


An O.S.P rod cover that can put multiple rods together is now available. The size is about 140 cm. It is a wide size and can hold about 4 to 6 rods of the 6 feet class (※The number of rods can be stored varies depending on the blank diameter and guide size). Two parts of the center and the entrance are included with a belt with an integrated body. By fixing the rod bundled with the belt at the entrance and tightening with the belt at the center, the rod is designed not to play in the cover. One point is that the belt at the entrance has an O.S.P tag on the tip so that it can be attached and detached smoothly. The body is made of a fine mesh material with shock absorption. It reduces the blanks during transportation such as loading and unloading to cars and boats, moving points, and damage to guides. It also reduces the stress that small guides jump out. A synthetic rubber sheet is attached to the back of the body at the entrance. It reduces and prevents misalignment (slip) of the rod cover, cushions when bundled blanks, and hooks stuck in the mesh fabric. With the commitment from the angler's point of view, it is finished as an item that supports your comfortable fishing.

It is OK to use the O.S.P rod cover alone, but if you want to bundle more stably, it is also recommended to use the "O.S.P Rod Belt L" sold separately.

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