Deps Esche Siliconiche, Porks
A partire da:
14,88 €
IVA 22% inclusa
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita14,88 €
Prezzo di vendita IVA esclusa: 12,20 €
Ammontare IVA2,68 €
Paga in 3 rate senza interessi (per ordini da €35 a €1000)
Maggiori informazioni
Point Program
Acquistando questo prodotto guadagni 15 punti.Se sei Plus Fishing Member guadagni 22 punti.
Maggiori informazioni sul Programma Punti Fedeltà
Ambito | Acqua Dolce |
Tecnica | Bassfishing |
Predatore | Black Bass |
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The deps porkbaits are customed by the original cutting patterns and forms is characterised by peculiar movements caused by the material of different density. Deps also succeeded in keeping stable quality avoiding discoloration and corrosion. The Wriggle Hog flutters while swimming or falling. At bottom bumping lifts high its both arms. Effctive crawfish menacing style. The twin-tailed Flickerleg combines all requested elements for jig trailer. Big futtering action and natural flickering action are compatible. The Flat Paddlehas a high buoyant body that flutters and a paddle tail twice as large as its body that pushes water well. Effective for deep range from autumn to winter, and to muddy shallows in spring.
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